あなたは「美しい」をどんな風に感じますか? How do you experience beauty?

美しいとはどういうこと?」と目の見えない人に聞いたインタビュー動画「How The Blind See Beauty


When I close my eyes, I see a gentle light. I have no concept of the color. I just want to state that I have no sight. So “Beauty” for me now, means real simple things. I mean, just the simple things,

just… opening my eyes in the morning, and listening to the birds outside my window chirping, I mean it’s a… It’s a feeling that I’m alive…

私にとって「美しい」とは、人柄や、個性や、人々が “すること”。つまり・・・みんな自身かな
To me, “Beauty” is character, personality, the way people carry theirself. Basically, its just the way the person is, you know,

and some people could be very pretty and beautiful inside just by the way they… they carry theirselves or help or concern about my situation and stuff.

I think “Beauty” is experience. So, an experience, oh, I mean by that is, you know… the smell of warm baked cookies, the the warm breeze against your skin,

and the feel of grass underneath your feet when you’re, you know, walkin’ in the front yard…


Going to the beach, and sitting by the shore, to me, is“Beauty” and just imagining what the ocean looked like right now, and what the sky looked like, that’s Beauty for me.


時には、圧倒的にさえ。すべての人にとって、”生きる” とは “感じること” じゃない?毎日は、すべて、感じること、だと思うの
At times, it could be overwhelming because when you blind, your life just consists of nothing but feelings? Every day is a feeling.

I feel that losing my sight has been a blessing, which means I don’t care what nationality somebody is, I don’t care how tall somebody is, I don’t care how big or small they are.

A person is beautiful because they are true to themselves.



I have three babies ..uh..twelve and nine , and my daughter just turned 3, and to me they are all beautiful,

どんな姿をしているのか私にはわからないけど、私に見える “内側” ・・・みんなとても美しいの。そう、子供たちは私自身、私のすべてなの
and I don’t even know what they look like. they are beautiful inside, they are me, you know, they are me…

Beauty for me is calm, beauty for me is peace.

I don’t really believe I need my eyes to enjoy beauty, that’s beauty for me.


But it’s also people being and doing what is right, what is good, and caring about each other. Beauty is an experience of living and you know, finding joy, I feel like joy is the most beautiful thing in the world.
